GLC 2024 Annual Meeting

GLC 2024 Annual Meeting


24–25 June 2024

The GLC 2024 Annual Meeting will take place on 24 and 25 June 2024 in Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland. This Annual Meeting will bring together thought leaders, practitioners as well as students and learners from around the globe.

The specific goals of the meeting are to discuss and advance two important areas:

  • nurturing and strengthening access to content and good quality learning experience, and
  • credentialing of education.

The meeting will also launch several pilot projects related to these themes.


- (1.25hrs)

Theatre - Plenary Hall

05. Impact at Scale: Learning, Skilling, and Entrepreneurship

Lee Howell
Gururaj (Desh) Deshpande
Claudette Irere
Bitange Ndemo
Ingrid Sundström
S.D. Shibulal

- (30mins)


GLC Community Break

Parallel Sessions (Block A)

- (1.5hrs)

Hergé Room

06. Impact at Scale: Preparing Young Learners for the Future of the Planet

Mariah Levin
Shubo Biswas
Christopher Boone
Craig Davis

- (1.5hrs)

Vaud Room

07. Impact at Scale: Preparing Young Learners for the Future of AI

Christine Looser
Kris Gopalakrishnan
Vanessa Evers
Taniya Mishra

- (1.5hrs)

Fribourg Room

08. Impact at Scale: Preparing Young Learners for the Future of Humanity

Meagan Fallone
Naheed Bardai
Raj Mundra

- (30mins)

Theatre - Plenary Hall

09. Preparing Young Learners for the Future: Outcomes and Recommendations from Sessions in Parallel

Jade Hameister OAM
Suzanne Walsh

- (30mins)

Theatre - Plenary Hall

10. Part 1: Futures Thinking Workshop with GLC Postdoctoral Fellows & Winners of the GLC-HP Global Hackathons

Vanessa Evers
Subra Suresh
Richard Lee Davis
Akuadasuo Ezenyilimba
Gokul Subrahmony Krishnan
Gyomyung Shin
Aditya Punia
Sarthak Rawat
Aline Munezero
Bonheur Niyonkuru
Prince Manzi
Maxwell Opondo
Lexi Syoluka
Nicholas Kessler


- (1hr)


11. GLC Community Lunch

- (1.25hrs)

Theatre - Plenary Hall

12. Part 2: Futures Thinking Workshop with GLC Postdoctoral Fellows & Winners of the GLC-HP Global Hackathons

Vanessa Evers
Krishnan Narayanan

- (45mins)

Theatre - Plenary Hall

13. Partnerships to Prepare Learners of All Ages for Global Challenges

David Gann, CBE
Christine Goh
Martin Vetterli
Kris Gopalakrishnan

- (15mins)

Theatre - Plenary Hall

14. Closing Session of the GLC Annual Meeting

Lee Howell
Subra Suresh

- (45mins)


15. GLC Annual Meeting Closing Reception

- (1hr)

Theatre - Plenary Hall

01. Objectives of the 2024 Villars Institute Symposium

Julia Marton-Lefèvre
Lee Howell
Emma Benameur
Nik Gowing

- (1hr)

Theatre - Plenary Hall

02. The 4th Villars Institute Distinguished Lecture: Deep Learning from Nature and Machines by Subra Suresh

Julia Marton-Lefèvre
Subra Suresh


- (2hrs)


03. Villars Symposium Welcome Dinner